We are always looking for innovative approaches to improve our way of working, whether it's becoming more efficient or looking for a more sustainable application.
Over the past few months, our Consultancy division has trialled a smartphone clip-in thermal imager to enhance their Ecological Clerk of Work supervision. The benefits for the protected species, the ECoWs carrying out the work and our clients are huge:
🐣 Improved visibility in hard-to-reach areas.
🐣 Less disruptive for the species we’re documenting.
🐣 Increased certainty that the site is clear and clearance works can proceed.
🐣 Less time on site means increased road worker safety.
🐣 Road can be reopened sooner, increasing efficiency and benefiting road users.
It's been a successful trial so far, and we look forward to developing the use of the cameras in other surveys and projects we work on in 2024.