Wow, what a year we've had in the Consultancy division!
We've certainly been kept busy, working to safely create, maintain and care for biodiverse habitats for generations to come. It's been a fantastic year, working with fabulous clients on interesting projects.
Here's just a snapshot of the past 12 months. Our Environmental team has:
🦇conducted 191 surveys for bats
🦎found 111 great crested newts
🐍worked on 145 reptile surveys
🌼delivered 51 preliminary ecological appraisals
Plus our Arboriculture team has:
🌿surveyed 962km of fences
🌳undertaken 308km of woodland surveys
🌿surveyed 802km of hedgerow
🌳walked 1219km of detailed tree surveys
🌲surveyed 14,044 trees
And we can't wait to see what next year will bring.