Arboriculture Consultancy services to maintain, manage and enhance your trees and woodlands
Our professional arboriculture consultants support landowners to safely and effectively fulfil their obligations as responsible tree owners. We care about your trees. This includes arboricultural, ecological, and sustainability advice on tree health, tree management requirements and all aspects of individual tree and tree group ownership and care.
We offer services to both the private and public sectors which include highways, rail, utilities, defence and local authorities. We also provide arboriculture consultancy services to housing associations, developers and contractors working elsewhere in the construction industry. We have many repeat clients who have used our services for many years, returning to us time and again for continued arboriculture consultancy advice and support.
We form partnerships with clients and pride ourselves on understanding the full scope of their survey requirements to ensure we can offer a bespoke service, tailored to their specific needs whilst putting the trees and the surrounding environments at the forefront.
Throughout the pre-site and site work phases, we continually review and where required amend plans in collaboration with our client to ensure plans are fit for purpose and meeting desired outcomes. Our knowledgeable team ensure the service is personable, cost-effective and outcome driven.
Whether you know what you need or are looking for advice on the best approach, we can help you through every step of the process. Here are just some of the specific surveys we can provide:
For Asset Managers and tree owners
We offer a comprehensive range of services to help you maintain and manage tree health and safety, including:
- Tree condition surveys, reports, works specifications, ArbCow supervision
- Pest and disease surveys reports and management proposals
- Climbing inspections for hazard identification
- Woodland Management plans
- Tree inventory surveys
- Tree and EPS inspections and surveys
- Tree work supervision to BS 3998 standard
- Non-invasive and invasive decay detection
For Developers
Navigating planning regulations and protecting trees during construction is essential. Our services include:
- BS5837 surveys
- Arboricultural method statements
- Arboricultural impact assessments
- Tree Protection Order (TPO) assessment / infringement for local authorities
- Construction ArbCow supervision
- Tree and EPS inspections and surveys
- Tree work supervision to BS 3998 standard
- Non-invasive and invasive decay detection
- BNG calculations and reports
- Planting plans and specifications
For Estate Owners
We help estate owners protect and enhance their woodlands with:
- Woodland Management plans
- Tree inventory surveys
- Tree work supervision to BS 3998 standard
- Mature tree management plans
- Non-invasive and invasive decay detection
- Planting restocking plans
For Private Residents
Caring for the trees on your property? Our expert team can assist with:
- Tree inspections and hazard identification including mitigation specification
- Mortgage reports
- Subsidence surveys and reports
- Tree Protection Order (TPO) assessment / infringement for local authorities
- Climbing inspections for hazard identification
- Non-invasive and invasive decay detection
Ash dieback brochure
Are you worried about ash dieback on your land? Do you know what your responsibilities are? In our simple guide to ash dieback, we explain what ash dieback is, what your responsibilities are as a land owner, how Chevron Green Consultancy carries out surveys to identify ash dieback, and how we can help you manage ash dieback.
Arboriculture Consultancy case study
National Highways
Chevron Green Consultancy was appointed by National Highways Southeast and Southwest Scheme Delivery Frameworks (SDF) to conduct ash dieback surveys across the region. Chevron Green Consultancy has provided advice and recommendations to National Highways to ensure they are able to manage the trees across their estate in line with the asset management strategy for ash dieback.
Download the National Highways ash dieback survey case study (PDF) to find out more >