Chevron Green Consultancy
Our Environmental Consultancy services improve your environment, helping nature to thrive
Our mission is to safely create, maintain and care for biodiverse habitats for generations to come. Our environmental and ecological teams will advise you on the best course of action to keep nature at the heart of your projects.
We manage and consult on all types of ecological surveys and assessments, including Ecological Impact Assessments, Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, Habitat Regulation Assessments and a broad range of Protected Species Surveys, including bats, dormice, birds, great crested newts and reptiles. We complete any licence applications on your behalf to ensure your company is compliant with the Environmental Act.
Our consultants also offer support with biodiversity net gain to help capitalise the biodiversity value of your project. We provide Biodiversity Net Gain Assessments, delivery of habitat design services and habitat enhancement to satisfy planning requirements and maximise the potential of your project or scheme. Our operational teams can then provide support to bring these designs to reality.
We provide non-statutory Environmental Assessments, from initial screening and scoping for a range of disciplines including ecology, air quality, noise, cultural heritage, landscape architecture and can offer detailed assessment for all disciplines.
Our clients come from both the public and private sectors including highways, rail, utilities and local authorities. We also provide environmental consultancy services to developers, architects, MOD, private developers and others in the construction industry.
Our consultants have years of experience and knowledge, and have professional memberships with CIEEM and IEMA, and hold various Natural England Protected Species Class licences.
Environmental Consultancy case studies
Setting the standard in ecological fieldwork with thermal imaging cameras
Chevron Green Services Consultancy division had a theory that using thermal imaging cameras as part of their on-site Ecological Clerk of Works would have a superior ecological benefit compared to visual checks alone. We trialled this theory on the A303 whilst providing ECoW supervision to Chevron Green Services.
Download the standard in ecological fieldwork with thermal imaging cameras (PDF) to find out more >
Chevron Green Consultancy has worked with COOMBES Group for several years, providing ecological support in the South of England. We predominantly provide Preliminary Ecological Assessments (PEAs) along the railway and Ecological Clerk of Works supervision on de-vegetation projects.
By working collaboratively with customers, supply chain partners and key stakeholders, Chevron Green Consultancy and Chevron Green Services cleared the way for the A47 upgrade. With the land being on the boundary of a site of specific scientific interest we were able to use our expertise to advise on the best approach whilst also providing Ecologist support during bird nesting season.
Download the Ringway A47 environmental consultancy case study (PDF) to find out more >
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