Over the past few months, members of our Consultancy division have been supported by teams from our Bewdley depot on a Great Crested Newt translocation on the M40.
Our operations team were tasked with building 1000m newt fencing with pitfall traps, ladders, and floats plus creating four hibernaculas.
Hibernaculars are underground chambers which reptiles and amphibians use during the winter to keep themselves warm. This works has been a collaboration across Chevron Green Services and Consultancy, along with members or our trusted supply chain and our clients.
The newt fencing and pitfall traps are to capture and translocate any great crested newts or amphibians in the vicinity and move them to a safe receptor zone well away from the ongoing works.
All works were under a Natural England GCN licence and Consultancy team members also hold personal Great Crested Newt survey licences. We delivered the planned works to the timescale provided, despite there being a short mobilisation time whilst adapting to the challenging site conditions.