Our Chevron Green Services and Consultancy teams don't always get to work together, but it's a treat when they do.
Recently, Chevron Green Consultancy has supported Chevron Green Services with their ditch clearance in the South by providing an onsite Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW).
It was a challenging project, with dense vegetation to search through. Our client needed an ECoW onsite due to the suspected presence of dormice. And we were also looking for signs of bird nests, reptiles and badger setts.
During the vegetation clearance, the Chevron Green Services operatives were very conscientious and aware of their surroundings. All findings were noted and worked around accordingly, with our ECoW providing guidance, next steps and mitigation advice throughout. Our ECoW also found pyramidal orchids, self-heal and St. John’s wort.
If you're wondering about the need for an ECoW on your construction projects, get in touch with our friendly Consultancy team, who can guide on when it's needed (and when it's not):