Chevron Green Consultancy is often brought in to support infrastructure schemes. Did you know, that quite often, clearing vegetation is not just a case of simply clearing the vegetation?
In areas where an endangered species could be present, an Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) also needs to be present. An ECoW is a site-based ecologist who oversees works and provides advice on an appropriate approach for the management of ecological features in the context of environmental legislation and planning policy.
Ecologists from Chevron Green Consultancy were brought in to assist in a highways scheme on the A27 in Sussex. The project ran over several days with Ecologists Sophie Field and Andrea Evans taking it in turns to be on site.
Our Chevron Green Consultancy ECoWs provided a team briefing at the start of the shifts and undertook thorough hand searches ahead of the clearance team. Continuing to direct and supervise the work throughout the vegetation clearance.
On this occasion no dormouse nest or dormice were encountered allowing the clearance works to be completed as planned.