Part and parcel of any works we undertake during the nesting bird season is to check that there are no bird nests onsite that are going to be disturbed by our work.
Our team in the Southeast were working on a fence line clearance just off the M2 recently when they came across a nesting bird. The area had been used as a local fly tipping area, so part of the job was removing and disposing of the rubbish, before clearing the vegetation and removing a dilapidated fence.
Once the nesting bird was discovered, our team set up a 5m buffer zone around the nest to ensure it wasn't disturbed. The works programme was adapted to incorporate the nest with a revised plan to return to finish the project at a later date once the bird had hatched and flown the nest.
This attention to detail is what sets our teams apart. We really care about the work that we do, the environment we work in, and ensuring that we work in harmony with nature.