Just as greenwashing is present in the fashion industry, it's also in the corporate world.
It's not enough when looking at a construction project to just plant a load of trees to offset the carbon emissions and rebuild the biodiversity of an area. Thought needs to go into the growing medium available, the location of the trees, the nutrients available in the soil, the types of trees that will thrive in that location, climatic predictions for that area and how to maintain the site for the long term so that the trees flourish for years to come.
The best time to plant trees is the winter months, but the ground preparation starts much earlier. We have clients up and down the country coming to us because we are their trusted partner of choice for not only arboricultural and environmental consultancy but project delivery too.
In our Consultancy team, we have experts on hand to give opinions on the soil nutrients and, if nutrients are lacking, how best to prepare the ground for planting to provide the trees with the best chance of developing into mature, wind-firm, healthy trees. Our strategic approach focuses on long-term survival, with the natural world at the heart of everything we do.
Our ultimate aim is always that the trees have the best chance to become the future veteran and ancient trees in our landscape. Our project delivery teams are experts in safety, efficiency and collaboration. Our operational services teams work alongside our consultancy team to implement their recommendations at the planting stage and afterwards in the aftercare and ongoing maintenance phase of a project.
Throughout a project, we can provide ecological mitigation, advice and ongoing data collection to ensure you meet your required biodiversity targets. Leaving your projects and environment in a better place than when you started.
If you have any planting schemes coming up this year which you need advice on, please contact Daniel Palmer, our Business Development Manager, Daniel.Palmer@ChevronGS.com.