Ash dieback is affecting so many trees up and down the country.
Our team in Yorkshire was on the A64 near York recently, removing a dead ash tree that was two- thirds rotten at its base. As a result, it was unsafe for a climbing removal, so the team used an MEWP to dismantle the tree instead.
Due to the tree’s location, the team of four needed a lane closure with traffic lights to ensure a safe removal.
Prior to the works taking place, we’d been in touch with the land owner who subsequently came onto site to assess the job in hand. They were delighted with the removal and the work done by our Chevron Green Services team. We even provided them with the tree trunks so that they could take them home and split for firewood.
The Chevron Green Services and Consultancy team can provide a full ash dieback service from initial survey and management plan followed by safe dismantle and removal of any infected trees.
For more information, do take a look at our guide to ash dieback.