Our Consultancy team really are a talented bunch. Throughout their work surveying different environments, they encounter a variety of species.
They have developed a quarterly calendar that details the differing species and nature that might be encountered whilst working outside, how it presents at particular times of the year, and what to do if you come into contact with it.
What started as an internal reference calendar to share with operations colleagues within Chevron Green Services has grown into a wider piece of work, which has been shared within the broader group of Chevron companies. And now, we're sharing it with you.
We displayed one of our calendars at the Rail Live event earlier in the summer and had so much interest in it that we didn't want to gate-keep it any longer!
Download the Q3 July - September calendar here
Whilst it is free to download, if you would like to make a donation to Buglife charity, which is doing fantastic work to support the insects that keep the planet working. You can do so here: